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Tuesday, June 27, 2006



alright. over a year has passed since my last post. i'm a little balder, but ultimately no worse for wear. Still a student at the finest university in the city of asheville, studying accounting.

My lovely wife has recently taken the LSAT and, upon recieving her score, is chomping at the bit to apply to school somewhere. perhaps chomping at the bit isn't the right phrase...excited. thats better. chomping is never a word you should use to describe your wife.

I found a fantastic job working for a couple of CPA's literally a quarter of a mile from my house. i walk there most days or ride my bike. They do non profit audits, financial statements for firms so they have paperwork to show people when they ask for donations or grants. Some days i have no idea what i'm doing, and other days i kinda know. i wonder if i will ever be good at this. but i talk a good game and don't get nearly as sleepy as i did in the beginning.

Ana is working for a law firm in town. its the oldest one in the city with three former mayors as acting/retired partners. she likes her job but doesn't seem to have much to do. most of the action for her takes place in the parking lot outside the building.

The other day she found poop next to her car. I guess that wouldn't be so bad, but it was human poop and there was teeth in it. Okay, i made that part up, about the teeth. how would that work anyway? would it necessarily mean cannibilism or could somebody just have swallowed their own teeth? like while they were sleeping.

she did find poop next to her car, and then later she thought she saw a body wrapped up in some kind of insulation, but it was just a guy sleeping. he was there in the morning when she went in to work, and hadn't moved when she went out to lunch, so she and Sonny, the lot attendent were going to poke him with stick. Ana saw that he was breathing, so she put the stick down.

I saw a guy i thought was dead, lying on the street in asheville. I kind of freaked out and ran to a shop near by to call the police. I went back to the body and leaned down close, to adminster some kind of first aid, i guess, and saw he was ever so slightly breathing.

the fire truck (a little one) was the first to arrive and they started shaking him, trying to get him to move around. finaly after a minute or two he opened his eyes an slowly looked up at the firemen, held up his middle finger and went back to sleep.

I figured it was a good time to mosey on. a job well done.

I'm taking a couple of classes this summer and will enter this fall into my final year of college. this coincides with a postcard announcing my 10 year highschool reunion. I think maybe the 50 is the one for me. everyone will look the same, the boys and the girls all pastey lumps of ruddy flab. I'll be nearly 70, and it will be enough if i don't poop my pants during the party. any teeth found in the pile I'd create that night would most certainly be artificial.

was that weird? sorry, i'm alittle rusty.

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