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Wednesday, July 21, 2004


all aboard the joel train!

So i guess i've decided to start this weblog in the shadow of mr mark pitts.  his weblog has inspired me to create a mundane collection of my daily doings.  This is going to be great, because i just started working at the media center here at UNCA were i'll be attending school in the fall, and i have literally hours of nothing to do.  I hope you enjoy stories about irratiable bowel syndrome and multilevel marketing mishaps (or MLMM) and lots of examples of poor spelling.  well, here goes.

usually  i ride my bike to school, today i drove because i spent 2 hours typing up my economics notes for some lady i dont know in the front row.  I spent two hours typing them, and then when i gave them to her i wanted to kind of halfway teach them to her, so i sat down to explain them.  "oh. well, you didnt have to do that" and then right in the middle she cut me off and said "you know, i actually have alot of this already" and then turned in her seat. 

Ive been taking my reliv shakes with some fiberstuff in them.  I started yesterday and i felt sick and woozy.  I happend to speak with my reliv lady and when i told her about it she asked me how much i was putting in to each shake..."well, a full scoop"   so i guess i was using 4 times the amount i needed in each shake.  Im suposed to work my way up to the full scoop.  My wife and i agree that following the advice of our supplier is for sissys.  Were going to keep taking the full scoop like men. Woozy, sickly men.

School is almost out for the summer.  Im taking five classes, a literature class, two economics classes and a physics class, and weightlifting, but that doesnt really count.  Im starting to freak out alittle, i have 4 finals all on the same day.  I havent really studied for any of my classes all semester, things were spread out enough that i havent really been slammed, so im alittle worried that i havent actually learned anything this summer.

oh...since about 4pm i've had a junior bacon cheeseburger, 5 nuggets, a slice of pizza, a fried apple pie and some peach cobbler. thats in a four hour span.

Im sure i'll stream line this biatch once i get into it.  Until then.

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