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Thursday, July 22, 2004



someone spit in the waterfountain at work today.  I hate that.  I went to go fill up my reliv cup with water and there it was.  It wouldnt be so bad if the wad of spit didnt look so much like the bubbles that form in the swirling waters of my cup.  Still, a man's  gotta drink.   

I've noticed that my hair is alot thinner lately then it was even just a few months ago.  I was at a birthday party with my wife, and when I stumbled into the bathroom I was shocked at my bald ass head staring back at me from the mirror.  I told myself when i was younger that, should i ever start to bald, I'd just shave my head and be done with it.  but as i've gotten older, i've come to realize that my head is about three times too big for my tiny little face.  Its freakish really, and nothing accentuates this more than a cleanly shaven head.  So now i just brush my hair over.  To the side really.  Not "over".  not yet anyway. 

i could buy some hair.  have it grafted to my forhead.  but at this point in my life i could only afford an eyebrow's worth, and thats not going to cover it.  so to speak.

I played basket ball today.  I know its "basketball", but i havent found a way to link the two in any kind of satisfying way yet, so i'll leave the space. 

 I actually really like the game.  My friend Raphael is teaching me how to play.  Im not terrible.  Well, actually i am terrible, but im enthusiastic, which is good.  Im 5'9'' and pretty stocky, but since i cant see how silly i look, i tend to have a good time. 

So Im not 18 anymore, my hair is falling out and im clumsy and get winded easily. but everytime i look in the mirror, its a shock.  when does that quit happening?

thats all i got tonight...I'll try to do better tomorrow.

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