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Monday, August 02, 2004


Its finally over!

Today was my last day of classes for the summer. I had a final in economics, one in literature and one in physics. In all these classes i had the opportunity to make an A.

I tried to study this weekend. i really did. and i was sure that if i didnt study that there would be time between finals to get alittle cramming in. I did study for the economics, while i watched this court tv show about some meth addict who works at the county morgue and is cheating on her husband with her boss, a married man from australia.

The lady decides to kill her husband, so she steals some very special pain medication from the lab, gives her husband a lethal dose and calls it a suicide. the drugs are special because they arent tested for in the typical autopsy, an autopsy that will be performed by her lover at the morgue. It would have been perfect, except the lady's a meth head and her in-laws know it. they can tell somethings up.

so the brothers of the dead husband cry foul play and an independent autopsy discovers all the nasty little details. The lover has sudden pressing business in australia catches the first plane out of town, leaving the young lady hanging in the breeze. She's tried, convicted and sentenced to life without parole. Good television.

I did fine in all my classes, got a B in Literature which was disappointing. Scored a 76 on my physics final, two points more than i needed for an A in the class! I was sure i'd screwed that up, but it turned out alright. Im just glad i get a break for a few days before it starts all over again. UNCA starts on Aug 18th.

For now i'll work part-time at the media center and try to keep myself from making any large purchases while Ana's at work. Im looking for a new bike and a new computer for my little office im trying to create in the backroom of my apartment. Im going to the bike shop tomorrow. Just to look. really.

Graduation is Friday, my folks are coming up. Should make for some good blogging.

until then, thanks for being patient.

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