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Monday, August 02, 2004

so my friend mark didnt like The Village. i havent talked to him about it, i just read it on his blog. Maybe thats the downside to this whole thing. Why talk to somebody when you can just go to their website?

It was one of those movies where you leave thinking "i thought there was supposed to be zombies or something, that was lame" but then somewhere between the theatre and your house you realize the social commentary and you cry like a little girl.

I once heard some guy on NPR describe P.T. Anderson as filled with hubris, and for the life of me i cant understand why, but M night Shamalynalyn seems to be out right overflowing with the stuff. I mean christ, we all know it was him in the security shack, did he really need to wink and nod with that reflection nonsense? And why were there no zombies?

All that aside, i did like the movie, i think it would have made a better play or short story.

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