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Wednesday, September 01, 2004


kickin it up a notch--BAM!

im trying to shock my body into fitness. not literally mind you, but by asking it to do stuff its not really capable of doing and then piling some more stuff on top of that. so far so good. all this running and working out hasnt helped me loose weight, but i do feel healthier. my teeth and backhair practically glow.

classes are in full swing. i plan to start doing homework very soon. one assignment that seems to give me a hard time is this reoccuring humanities lecture critique.

so every monday we go and sit in this big lecture hall and listen to a professor give an hour long speach on whatever we happen to be studying. then, im supposed to look back over my notes, and write a little critique of a major point, arguing for or against it. i know this may be misconstrued as whining, but wholy crap! how am i supposed to take a lecture, rooted in fact, and pick it apart? I got an 80 on the first one. my teacher said i needed to be more assertive in my argument. this time around i took a small point the lecturer made, it was really just an aside, and i pounced on it. Just ripped it to shreads.

i dont think i called the lecturer a bold faced liar, but its implied in my paper. how's that for assertiveness. also, i tried to use the word "BOO-YAH!" after every main point.

i'll let you know how i do.

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