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Friday, December 03, 2004


SLOW SLOW quik quik

so i appologise to anyone still checking in from time to time to see if i've updated my blog. you see, bloggin it is a real commitment, it takes dedication, inspiration and an inflated sense of self importance.

"but joel, you have so much of that last one that if shouldnt matter about the other two, your ego mania should compel you to write."

and it does, oh believe me, it does.

but you see, my creative process is alittle like the foxtrot. SLOW SLOW quik quik SLOW SLOW quik quik. only for me, no quik quik.

okay. i admit it. the real reason im writting this is because the computer lab ate my management paper, and i was up til 4:30 last night rewriting it and since theres about 20 minutes until my 9 mutherfucking inthe son of a fuckingbitch morning class and im about to loose my mind, i thought it would be nice to visit with you for a little while.

and now i feel guilty.

i've been thinking about getting naked in public all of a sudden. i did it one time, well it wasnt in public. it was a really (and i mean REALLY) foggy day, and theres this spot on the top of a mountain that has a nice flat rock that looks down on a valley subdivision. so yeah, i got naked. for about 20 seconds. i just stood there with my arms spread wide, trying to get some kind of cosmic acknowledgement for what a badass daredevil i was, praying that noone happened to drive by.

but lately i've been walking past classrooms at night, or maybe theres a speaker in one of the small conference rooms with those big bay windows, all i can think about is taking off my clothess and running past the window, maybe even pressing my buttcheeks against the glass before skampering off into the night.

im probably going to end up in jail.

so im not sure what to make of southpark anymore. "slave" placed an anorexic, but full-sized, paris hilton completely in his ass in the last episode. i've never really thought about not watching it, but im kinda thinking about not watching it.

oh. so i went to atlanta for thanksgiving and while i did have a good time, i kept getting this weird vibe that my dad was calling me a pussy the whole time. well thats not entirely true, but he did call john lennon's imagine the "communist manifesto" so thats sad.

napoleon dynamite is now my favorite movie.

peace out

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