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Wednesday, April 27, 2005


what a mess

i started the semester with 20 credit hours of school and two part-time jobs. now, 4 months later, im down to 15 hours and im working out my notice on both the library and the restaurant. I've managed to survive the meat grinder that is my life, but only just.

im not sure what i'll do for work. im only taking three classes this summer, so i'll have some spare time. Ana wants me to wait tables. with my history for blurting out terrible things and staring, i dont believe i'll be sucessful. maybe i'll work at applebees. its so awful, i dont think i'd feel bad making a mess of things there. they almost deserve it for eating there, the poor bastards.
imagine working the door.
"are you sure about this? the olive garden's just a few doors down..."

i'd like to continue bookkeeping, but im not sure anyone would hire me after my 6 months stint at the restaurant. you see i "fixed" that place and now my services are no longer needed. i implemeneted new procedures, updated the payroll structure and sales proceedure. I was so effective that the restaurant began to hemorage money. Hemorage Money! and my boss decided that, while my heart was in the right place, it would be best if i stopped trying so hard.

so now im training my replacement, tying up loose ends at school and getting ready for finals week. Ana and I are going to Emerald Isle for a week in May. It will be the first vacation since our honeymoon and im looking forward to it.

we've paid for the house already, but im not sure how we're going to eat yet.

im thinking about starting a spanish language blog. topics may include: family, things to buy at the market, colors

i'll let you know.
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