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Saturday, January 30, 2010


That sound your nose makes when you take a deep breath...then exhale


My name is Joel. I live in Saint Paul Minnesota with my wife Ana. She is in her 3rd year in lawschool at Hamline University. They shorten it up and call them 3Ls. Last year she was a 2L and so on. Ana is also a sentencing clerk in the Ramsey County prosecutor's office (Ramsey County is the county seat of Saint Paul, which is the capital of Minnesota - now you know). This is good practical experience for Ana. She wants to be a prosecutor one day. And if that doesn't work out, maybe a cage fighter.

I work at a children's health system (with hospitals and clinics) as an auditor, and as a bookkeeper for an abortion rights advocacy group. This pairing is not lost on me. I just can't think of anything funny to say about it right this minute. I really like both my jobs. Which is a position I haven't always been in.

Once I worked for a company that made cat litter...or it was a main ingredient in something product we made or...well, I can't remember...All I know is that there was alot of cat litter. and no matter how I tried I always snorted some of it into my nose area. Also, have you ever handled one of those drop ceiling tiles they put in basements? You know how they're backed with fiberglass and the little needlely fibers prick you for days and you can't wash them out or find them with tweezers? I think I inhaled alot of that stuff too. And then there was my boss - Screamy, and my coworker - Fondles...

But these jobs are great...
Yesss! He's back to blogging! Glorious!
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