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Thursday, May 05, 2016


Polishing the turd

Yesterday I spent more time updating and tweaking and fixing my silly little wrestling story then I am comfortable admitting.  The goal here is to create a habit of daily (business daily) writing that I can fold into my current commitments.  I can't be compulsive about this or it won't be sustainable.  But I'll figure it out.

The big problem is that I write so slowly.  I've been working on this piece of shit for 30 minutes already.  Instead of just blurting, which I think is the starting point of most creative projects, I self edit as I'm typing.  So maybe that's my first goal: more blurting.

So look for my next post, probably titled "I'm Gonna BLURT!"

Going to work now.  Not going to revisit this and tweak and edit and polish and reword.  It lives as it is.  That's just part of it.
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