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Monday, May 09, 2016


Too much to get through!

Today is a busy, busy day!  Today is the 6th business day since the end of last month.  It's the day all the investment summaries are due.  It usually takes me most of the day to get them done.  By 1pm people start asking me for it.  By 3pm I'm usually done, but tired and angry that it is such a rushed process.  Usually, I get the information I need from the bank late on the 5th workday, so I don't have much time to gather together all the things I need and check my work.  So I'll cram a bunch of words into this little box as best I can, but then I have to fuck off to spreadsheet-ville and get cracking.

I'd also like to share that it is my fake birthday today.  May 9th.  Happy fake birthday to me!

I liked having a May birthday.  It was a fun part of the year to share with my brother and sister.  David's birthday is at the end of March.  Ashley's falls a few days later in early April.  And then my birthday in May completed the season.  One, Two, Three, like dominoes.

But I was born in October, not May.  David and I are a bit less than 6 months apart and that makes for complicated math when you've decided not to disclose the adoption.  May was a pretty good solution.  A May birthday makes me eleven months older than David, which is pretty perfect.  Nine months would be gross, and reflect poorly on my Dad.  I mean, leave the poor woman alone already!  Twelve months is too perfect, and if you make the gap any larger, people might start to notice.  So May.  I suppose they kept the day the same for simplicity.

Changing a birthday in the 70s while everyone is still in diapers at home is easy.  Nobody asks a toddler for ID.  But enrolling said child into public school is harder.

Ok, so I really do have to go to work.  I hope we can revisit after the smoke clears.

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