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Friday, June 03, 2016



Gorge away.  You can gorge away.

I'm up 3 pounds since March.  I think I know what happened.  I flew to Minnesota and starved myself for a week.  Then I came home and ate for 3 months.  I'm not freaking out.  But I will.  If I don't fix this soon, I'm going to freak right out.  I'd like to either be skinny and hungry, or fat and full.  I'm tired of being chubby and hungry.

When I think about altering my state of mind, I've added being full to the list.  Drunk, High, Full.  That can't be good.

I dropped Micah on his head on Wednesday.  We were in the grocery store parking lot.  We play this game where I hold him in my arms and then let go and he has to hang on by himself.  It has always been a surefire hit.  He wraps his arms around my neck and squeals when I let go.  Until Wednesday when his hands slipped and he fell over backwards. His head smacked the asphalt.  It was a terrible, hollow sound.  So terrible that I scooped him up and explored the back of his head with my fingers for some devastating injury.  In retrospect, jabbing my dirty fingers into his open head wound would have been a bad idea.  Thankfully there was just a bump.

Micah found a small beetle in his hair one time.  He thought it was a rock or part of a pine cone and when it started wiggling in his hand he threw it and screamed.  I didn't know what was happening.  All of a sudden Micah was just screaming and screaming.  I literally started yelling and jumping up and down like a monkey.  I don't know why I did this.  Something about Micah being hurt sends me spiraling.  I can't think clearly.  As the responsible adult, I'm going to have to figure this out.

I think that will do for today.  It's a short week.  The fence is coming along nicely, but there's rain for the next couple of days.  So far I think it's going to cost about $800 smackers for my little 40 foot fence with no gates.  The next two sections are both twice that long and we've already spent what little savings we have 3 different ways.  So it will be exciting to see what happens next.  Not monkey-jump exciting, but still.  

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