Tuesday, June 07, 2016
I wonder if I'll post something today? Last night Micah decided we'd go to Home Depot before school. I thought maybe he would forget about it in the morning, but Micah never forgets.
We sailed through the morning routine and drove off to buy more boards for my fence. We made this trip together Sunday too. I think he likes the trucks and tools and loud noises. He rides on the orange lumber cart and swings on the bars when we're not moving. Sunday we asked an employee to cut a strap on a bundle of 1x2 boards. He pulled out his razor knife and popped the plastic strap. The knife slipped and sliced his thumb. "Oh man! I'm sorry! I bet that changes the trajectory of your day," I said cringing as he bled fat red drops on our boards and onto the concrete floor.
The guy wandered off to tend to his thumb, leaving the blood splatters behind. I felt responsible for what had become a biohazard. I flagged down another employee and showed him the blood. Of course by then the thumb guy came back with a mop. I suddenly felt like I was tattling on Thumb Guy. It's a busy place in my brain sometimes.
So today, as I pushed micah into the store on the lumber cart he asks "Where's that poor guy from yesterday?" That poor guy. I'm sure I said it a dozen times. He really doesn't miss anything.
Ana was out of the house one day last week. Micah turns to me out of the blue and asks "Is Santa real?". I changed the subject and frantically texted Ana for back up. I would love nothing more than to be done with Santa, but it's not my place to ruin Christmas. I can only wait for Christmas to implode the way Christmas always does. I think he's picking up on the dissonance of real versus make believe. Things like superheroes and villains are make believe, but then we tell him God and the bible stories he reads are real. So magic is real sometimes. But then Santa and the tooth fairy (I keep trying to skip the Easter bunny) seem like superheroes, but are real. I'm sure it's hard to keep straight. I try to stay silent on all of it, which I 'm sure is the wrong thing.
Out of time. Thank goodness.